A happy body is a healthy body, one way to achieve this – plenty of exercise. It’s important to make time to exercise on a regular basis, and for many this means squeezing in a workout early in the morning, during a lunch hour, or after a long day. Exercise raises your core body temperature, […]
Immigrating to another country can teach you more about life, love and fear than any education or self-help book could. It can broaden your horizons and make you more open minded. Many are attracted to experiencing a new country, to travelling, and to learning a new language and experiencing a new culture. Living abroad has […]
Homelessness is a very serious issue today, it is almost everywhere. The effects of homelessness on homeless people is large. People are homeless for many different reasons for example poverty, unemployment and many more. Homeless people suffer high levels of stress from their lack of control over their housing situation, combined with high levels of […]
With massive advances in wellness and medicine, the current population enjoys a much healthier and longer lifespan. While the population over 65 is growing considerably, their lifestyle has also advanced. Older people might live independently, work into old age, and take an active role in their community. It is believed that mental health problems are […]
For many people, having a drink is a nice way to relax at the end of a long day or is enjoyed in the company of friends. For others, drinking alcohol can be more problematic. Alcohol and/or substance abuse occurs when a person consumes these substances in such amounts or in such a way that […]
You’ve finally arrived home after an 8-hour shift. Its Friday, so roll on the weekend! No sooner are you in the door, the phone begins to buzz. Have you finished the report? We need to schedule some meetings for next week. Can you have a think over the weekend of how we can pitch this […]
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are”- Carl Jung. This quote sums up the importance of growing into your authentic self. Your authentic self is who you truly are as a person, regardless of your occupation, regardless of the influence of others, it is an honest representation of you. To […]
Picture this. You’re in an interview for your dream job. The interviewer asks you about your competencies and why they should offer you the position. You’ve prepared for this moment and rehearsed the answer many times. You open your mouth to answer, but suddenly your mind goes blank. You quickly try to come up with […]
Psychological impact of bullying Whether it be in a school playground, classroom, office or online, anyone can be affected by bullyinh. Remember, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names can never hurt me”, but just how true is this? After the bruises, cuts or broken bones heal what is left? It appears that […]
The Motivational Trap Motivation is simply the desire to do things. It is the difference between getting up in the morning and staying in bed all day. We are all born with innate motives, these include drinking, eating and safety and they are fundamental for survival. Then we have secondary motives which keep us motivated […]